新西兰消费者调查组织资深撰稿人Belinda Castles表示,近年来全球范围内对儿童食品含糖量非常关注,这样的调查结果有些让人失望。

调查结果显示,今年儿童此类产品的平均含糖量为21%,与2013年27%的平均值相比较,有所下降。仍有相当部分的产品含糖量达每30克含糖量为2到3茶匙。最糟糕的产品是Kellogg's Frosties, 其含糖量高达40%,即每30克含糖量为3茶匙。
Consumer NZ finds 27 of 50 cereals high in sugar despite health concerns.
Kiwi kids aren't getting the best start to the day at the breakfast table, according to a Consumer NZ survey which found many children's cereals are still laden with sugar.
More than half of the 50 cereals analysed in the survey were high in sugar and six of them had more sugar than three years ago despite global concerns over how much we're eating.