
逸香网独家专访怡园少庄主陈芳 2012-04-20

逸香网 2012-04-20 11:45 葡萄酒
逸香网独家专访怡园少庄主陈芳 2012-04-20 去年九月,笔者受香港《酒经月刊》总编辑刘致新先生之邀,在怡

  逸香网独家专访怡园少庄主陈芳  2012-04-20


Judy: Actually, my dad isn’t that old. He just turned 60. He wanted to build a winery as he thought it was quite romantic to retire and leave in a winery. On top of that, his very good friend, a French guy who introduced my dad to wine, also encouraged and assisted him to do so.
陈芳:我们聘请了Denis Boubals教授,让他去挑选一个在中国适合我们种植葡萄的地方。山西有非常出名的煤矿,幸运的是,晋中没有任何煤矿资源。山西相对比较干燥,有充足的日晒。昼夜温差也非常大。这都是适宜葡萄生长的良好气候条件。
Judy: We hired a professor, Denis Boubals, to find this location for us. Shanxi is famous for its coal mines, but luckily, Jinzhong doesn’t have any coal reserves. Shanxi is a relatively dry with abundant sunshine. The day & night-time temperature difference is quite big.
Judy: At the moment, we tested out Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cab Franc, Muscat, Chenin Blanc & Chardonnay. It’s hard to say which grape varietals are suitable. First we have to plant many more other varietals & wait for at least 10-15 years to know.  So far Cab Sau & Chardonnay are doing quite well
Judy: Our wines aren’t big jammy kinds. We are more the elegant & balance types. Although we have changed our winemaker to an Australian guy, I still think our wines are more the old world. What do you think? You tried them before.

Judy: We are producing 3million bottles last year. I want to sell around 2 million bottles a year (and keep it this way, the rest is to keep in the inventory. That way, we could postpone the launch date of our wines and only launch the wines when they are more ready do drink. (Do you know what I meant?)
Judy: It’s hard to say. We continue to run out of wine and I guess we aren’t able to supply the demand. But I prefer to keep Grace the way it’s.
Judy: We have 5 distributors and our own direct sales channels.We are very selective when it comes to choosing a partner. Most important criteria for us is that we share the long-term vision – building and safe guarding the brand, willing to scarify short-term gain. Most of our partners have been working with us for more than 10 years (including our suppliers). We are always open to discussion, but not actively seeking new distributors.

Judy: 2003, 2007 & 2008 are the three most important years for me.2003 was the first time we launched the wine in the market. It was such a failure and I always remember how difficult it was to introduce a new wine to client and be accepted.2007 was our 10th anniversary, it was also the worst weather we ever encountered. That year we only made table wines. Although it was a big sacrifice on the financial aspect, we gained respect from the market.
Judy: Our most expensive wine is selling at RMB$488. I think it’s already pretty expensive. I want to do price-to-value wines, which are able to compete internationally. I believe this is the only way to build a long-term business. Our clients are like our friends. You can’t mislead your friends, and expect that could be your growth strategy.
Judy: I don’t want to be too hard sell. To talk about Grace Vineyard all the time, people will think that I’m advertising .The reason I love wine is because of its diversity. I could have a Chinese wine today, tomorrow, I could choose an Italian. Sometimes I want to have a lighter & fresher wine, sometimes I prefer white, sometimes I want Champagne. That’s the beauty of wine, don’t you think. Therefore, I don’t think imported wines and local wines are at opposite ends. Imported wines definitely help to push local wines to do better. Therefore, it’s only a good news for consumers.
Judy: I go to the winery every month. In the summer, I spend a lot of time at the winery. To be honest, I feel that I’m living out of a suit case as I travel all the time. Traveling helps me to stay open-minded. I would love to stay full-time at the winery if it’s not for my kids.
Judy: I started 4 years ago. I signed up for 10K run and started to practice regularly. It was until the recent one year that it has truly become my habit and passion.I tend to give up easily. I’d start something without finishing and move on to the next project. It’s not good. Therefore, I want to do something to train myself. Long distance running is exactly that. You keep on wanting to quit, you keep telling yourself to continue. I think everything is about training. You can train your body, you can train your mind。


Judy: I can’t say that my girls are interested in wine, but at least they are not strangers to wines. They go to the winery every year. They are familiar with the process, as well as the grape varieties. They see us drink all the time. People like things which they are familiar with. It’s human nature. You are familiar with something, it’s likely you would do better than others. Therefore, I introduce my girls to wines early on. I think compared to their friends, they definitely have a head start. To answer your second question, of course I’m trying to cultivate their interest
Judy: I guess two things:
1) We set out to do great things – producing top-quality wines in China – this draws people who share the same passion. Everyone likes to associate with a winning team. We are really doing what we claim. I think we are just a group of crazy dreamers.
2) Luck. I can’t tell you how lucky I’m. To have a supporting team, to have a team that is willing to believe me.
Judy: To make different style wines from different places in China. Each of them would have its own brand and own team. Keep it more or less the size of Grace or smaller. Each team would bring their best wine to compete during our company’s annual dinner. Wouldn’t that be fun?